Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Microsoft Office 2007

Office 2007 rocks the house! you should get it because it is sooooo worth it!

Monday, June 25, 2007

this is the day...

I got a call during rehearsal today from my friend Hope. Hope and i have never really been close friends but since we roomed together on the tennessee band trip we've gotten a lot closer. she called me to ask if i wanted to go to willow river state park and go swimming with her. considering that it is keep-a-swimsuit-in-your-car season i said that i'd love to go.

we had so much fun rooting for the fisherman and sitting behind the waterfall and jumping from the ledge into the water that we didn't even realize that we had stayed there for 3 hours! i got a small pebble stuck in my foot because i didn't jump in the right spot off of the ledge and it hurt a lot, buuut i'm over it.

I think that i'm going to buy a sticker tomorrow, that was so much fun and i would love to go there and pray or just sit and love the world that my God has made for me!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


i gots me a laptop i do i do
and it's pretty!

Monday, June 18, 2007

new computer i hope

i bought a laptop today with my graduation money, but the catch is that when you buy a new awesomely spectacular computer that you were really happy about because it was a good deal and the service people at best buy were awesome and didn't work on commission so they told you the truth you apparently get one that the battery doesn't fit in. then after you have tried unsuccessfully to force the battery into the slot you will be extremely disappointed and you have to type your blog that night on the slow family computer that makes you want to scream and cry and throw it out the window when you try to open an internet explorer window. it's okay though because your awesome sister with whom you and your brother in law went to find the aforementioned computer is going to bring it back to best buy for a new one while you are at work tomorrow and everything will be okay... right?

Thursday, June 7, 2007


that's right, it was a little shaky at the end there but i actually graduated :)

i got all As and A-s on my finals (i got 100% on my psych final woo hoo!) and that helped all of my grades a lot.
my final grades are B, C-, B-, A, B, A.
pretty dece considering my grades before my finals were B, F, B-, B+, C, A.
I love being able to write papers and test well, and good thing too because i suck at daily work.

just wanted to share that with y'all cause i'm really happy about it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Sorry i haven't blogged in so long. i'm lame.

Okay, i have a problem, nobody i've ever known besides my sister can understand and most people tell me to just get over it. i have an intense fear of groups of people. i don't know what it is but when i'm around a lot of people and they're all doing their thing i can't deal. i feel like crying all day in the hallways at school but i just put on a happy face and suck it up. usually i can do that and nobody notices that i'm a freak, but the other day i had a really bad time.

i was at nate szyman's graduation party and there were so many people and every one was talking at the same time and people were moving around me in opposite directions (weird, i know, but it freaks me out to the max), eventually i just escaped to the van and i hyperventillated for about ten minutes and then i cried for a while. i humbly ask the acception of my apology from the szymans, my mother, my father, and everyone else i may have offended that day.

i'm starting to freak out a little from thinking about that so i'm going to stop.

one more day of school left! you're all invited to my grad party if my mother hasn't already gotten to you

June 16th at 1pm until whenever mom says you have to leave
there's a dead roasted pig (ironic i know), a johnfire, and music. if you play you should come and jam! it's fun!! exclamaition points!!!