Monday, June 25, 2007

this is the day...

I got a call during rehearsal today from my friend Hope. Hope and i have never really been close friends but since we roomed together on the tennessee band trip we've gotten a lot closer. she called me to ask if i wanted to go to willow river state park and go swimming with her. considering that it is keep-a-swimsuit-in-your-car season i said that i'd love to go.

we had so much fun rooting for the fisherman and sitting behind the waterfall and jumping from the ledge into the water that we didn't even realize that we had stayed there for 3 hours! i got a small pebble stuck in my foot because i didn't jump in the right spot off of the ledge and it hurt a lot, buuut i'm over it.

I think that i'm going to buy a sticker tomorrow, that was so much fun and i would love to go there and pray or just sit and love the world that my God has made for me!


Anonymous said...

Aunt Kori used to love going hiking in the park, sitting, listening and praying. I think a little bit of her is showing in you. :)

Great place to recharge.

Katie R. said...

It's an awesome park. We're there at least once a week. In the fall and winter if you walk on the Hidden Ponds Trail you'll see 15-30 deer just about every time. They just stand there and watch you walk by on the trail. Very amazing.