Monday, June 18, 2007

new computer i hope

i bought a laptop today with my graduation money, but the catch is that when you buy a new awesomely spectacular computer that you were really happy about because it was a good deal and the service people at best buy were awesome and didn't work on commission so they told you the truth you apparently get one that the battery doesn't fit in. then after you have tried unsuccessfully to force the battery into the slot you will be extremely disappointed and you have to type your blog that night on the slow family computer that makes you want to scream and cry and throw it out the window when you try to open an internet explorer window. it's okay though because your awesome sister with whom you and your brother in law went to find the aforementioned computer is going to bring it back to best buy for a new one while you are at work tomorrow and everything will be okay... right?


kristi noser said...

I don't know what you are talking about--the "family" computer is just fine...

Carla said...

That post was almost one long sentence. I like that.

Anonymous said...

I found, when I'd gotten done reading it, that I was holding my breath the entire time!!

Ah, anticipation, huh Hannah? Fingers just itchin' to get busy on that computer...

hannahjane said...

could be 3 or 4 sentences, it's debatable. just think of me as an unchauvanistic, happy version of hemmingway.

Brandy Dopkins said...

Stream of conciousness- an advanced form of writing...