Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I don't really sleep well. I've never really slept well especially when i have a lot of junk to think about. That's why I'm posting right now, I can't sleep. And if you've been following closely, dear reader you will find that i was up at around three in the am yesterday too.

Today i woke up at two and i'm still up, I just kind of lay in the dark and hope that sleep will come to me, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Today i decided to call Mike, i mean if he can call me at three i can call him at four right? Yeah, he was already awake and walking around with one of his friends. What is wrong with everyone. Is this just something that everyone does and we all just don't know it but everyone is awake in the wee hours of the morning and we lie awake alone when really we could be doing something.

I should start doing laundry but i'm a pretty clumsy person and i'm sure i'll make a lot of noise and wake B&P up. Unless they're already awake...

I just know i can't be the only one up right now...


Brandy Dopkins said...

What's your whole lotta junk you are thinking about?

kristi noser said...

I find blogging and doing laundry at 3 am to be a very relaxing experience. With the added plus that I know the phone will not ring--I guess you can't count on that.