Wednesday, September 12, 2007


hey, so i'm ready to go home now...
Katkins and i went to NYC on monday. seeing katkins was sweet but the city was uneventful, katkins kept pretending that she knew where she was and she really didn't so we spent the whole time trying to "find her bearings." we did get to eat in little italy though and that was fun. i love letting the restaurant hosts fight over me, it's hilarious.

yesterday i sat on the couch, ate the rest of my leftover sushi and watched south park. i just can't do two days in a row around crowds of people i don't know. i talked to mom and brandy, they both sound fine and they both insisted that i come home (and mom insisted i blog more). don't worry, i will, people out here are rude, i don't think they mean to be but they are. maybe it's just because i'm so used to midwest nice people but i think that when you talk to someone you need to look at them and people should not give other people dirty looks for saying 'good morning' to them. but maybe that's just me...

the dogs are doing good, they were home all day when i went to go see fats and they were very good. Bazzle is sick, he has bumps all over his head and his legs. it's a reaction because he's allergic to everything like cats and... life. he's okay though and i actually got the mexican lady at kaui and alex's resort to understand me (after much frustration and forceful speech) and got a message through to them. though by the time i got their message machine the message i left was very testy sounding. (it ended with, "i don't even know if this is you because i don't... speak... spanish... augh." *click*)

so there you go, (mom) the last two days in a nutshell for you. i'm going to roy and carol's tomorrow night for dinner and i'm glad because they're really nice and i didn't get to see them last week. i blogged mom, just for you :)


kristi noser said...

thank you my lovely girl. i enjoy finding out about you. i'm glad you are going to see roy and carol. i just love them--they are exceptional people. oh, by the way i didn't use any capitals just for you.
love mom

Brandy Dopkins said...

You are a very nice girl to blog for your mother. well done

theswamphare said...

'leftover sushi' would be a good name for a blog...


Anonymous said...

(sing with me now)

To-morrow, To-morrow,
I'll see ya
You're only a day away!

Can't wait to squeeze you up!