Thursday, May 10, 2007

makes me homesick for humanity

i am in a government class right now and every friday we have round table debates on political issues such as homosexual mairrage, illegal immigration, censorship, etc. I am a pretty moderate person. in fact i'm almost completely on the line between liberal and conservative.

a couple of weeks ago we had a discussion on the death penalty and i got really mad because there were people in my class that were saying stupid stuff like "we should just shoot them all..."

i don't care (i mean obviously i care but... just keep reading) if a person rapes my mother, kills my father and brother, and beats me until i am barely alive, they do not deserve to die. yeah i know that anyone can bring up the "eye for an eye" thing but i don't think that we as imperfect humans can draw a line to say who is bad enough to be killed by the almighty government. people are so bent on revenge in this world that they fail to see, through their rage, that the person that they are about to kill is someone's brother, sister, son, daughter, husband or wife. even if they are evil they are a life and no person is perfect enough to determine who deserves to live and who deserves to die.

so after i ranted on and on about that to the stupid "shoot them all" girl, someone asked me, "can you be against abortion and for the death penalty, or visa versa?"

hey, here's some worms and a can opener...

i said that i don't think that anyone can be for one and against the other even though both sides of the happy little political fence pick and choose on those issues. i don't understand how someone can fight for one person's life and totally disregard another. if you fight for an unborn child's life, would you deny that same child life if they did something wrong? if you deny an unborn child's life then how can you fight for someone else's life if the only difference between the two is that one has been alive longer?

and on and on it goes...


erin said...

It never ends, friend. I'm pretty hardcore republican, but on some of these "hot button" issues, I just try to stick with Godly answers because here's the thing: the "kill them all" girl--she knows you're a Christian. She's weighing your response to her RIDICULOUS statement in her head, and she's going to REMEMBER what you say, even if it doesn't come across that way initially.
What can we so as Christians? VOTE, dammit, vote. And seek God's will in order to be a light to Him when we find ourselves in these kinds of discussions.
Good me thinking. : )

Brandy Dopkins said...

Thanks Hannah.
I second erin. You did a great job in this situation.
By the way, I am pro-capital punishment. We would have to chat over coffee rather than over a blog to really discuss this. I'm open someday if you are.

Bonefish Al said...


Recognizing this hypocracy so early in life is amazing!
