Monday, November 19, 2007

le cordon bleu

i'm making dinner. not "Hannah helped with dinner" where i cut up the garlic and watch brandy cook. no, no, i am making dinner.

here's the menu:

Garlic bread- making with breadmaking machine
Chicken breast with balsamic bbq sauce- made the bbq sauce myself
Garlic potatoes- with the help of my friend mr. McCormick

i'm thinking about a salad, but that's a lot of food already. i hope that it isn't a total bust.


theswamphare said...

So, what are you cooking for Swanksgiving dinner?z

Brandy Dopkins said...

yea- and it was really really really good.

Anonymous said...

(From Alex)

oop...check this out. lol

zcoffeegirl said...

Way to go, Hannah. I may need the recipe.